Monday, 8 November 2010

I'm a DJ 2

I'm a DJ 2, originally uploaded by Mix Master B.

120 Minutes of fun! That is all the time we had to shoot. That is not a hell of lot of time, considering the props used for the various different scenes. See my previous blog I'm a DJ for the prop list.

Who is we, I hear you ask. Well we had the incredibly professional Sofia Skvortsova as our model. Check out her Model Mayhem account or here
Herschel Solomon, friend and photographer. Check out his Model Mayhem
And myself of course. You can find me on Flickr, Twitter and Model Mayhem

We had 37 ideas/set-ups for this day, but 120 minutes is only that long :-)

The plan is to have a part two of the "I am a DJ" concept at a later stage.

Setup: Canon 5D MKII + EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM.
Lights triggered with PocketWizard Mini TT1. 1x Bowens 500W with 100x100 softbox left of the model. 1x Bowens 500W top right of model (low power) to provide a rim light to seperate her from the background. Both Monoblocks had a PocketWizard Radio card built-in


Thursday, 4 November 2010

Somebody screammmmm Part 2

As promised here is another image of the Scream mask.
With this image, I opted for using my smoke machine to create a more dramatic effect, as well as the shooting angle.