Sunday, 31 October 2010

Somebody screammmmm

Somebody screammmmm, originally uploaded by Mix Master B.
Foolishly I decided to blog about a Halloween image I took a year ago :-s
Of course this started to put pressure on posting a 2010 Halloween image. Well last minute efforts last night failed as inspiration was far and few between.
This morning I thought, no way am I going to fail. I started plotting and planning my next move and here is the result.
I used my old faithful Scream mask, and I cut some holes through the mouth region and the eye and nose. Then I placed a 500W Bowen’s mono block behind it and fired. The results, a light leak as the mask is white :-s
I used a black gaffer to seal the whole mask, except for the eyes, mouth and nose areas. Then I taped a big black bag to the back of the mask and placed the Bowens light from the back through a hole.
I took more images thereafter, using my smoke machine, to let smoke pass through the eyes and mouth, but that did not go down to well. I Might include a version of that as well.
Thanks for reading and happy Halloween and safe trick or treating!!


Sunday, 24 October 2010

Fright Night!!

Next weekend it will be Halloween!! I am yet to set my thoughts on a new idea/concept for 2010. (I know, time is running out)
This is last years image. For this shot, I used my shed in the backyard. It's quite old and some of the wooden panels are missing or just hanging around.
My lighting source was a 2000 watt Arri Open face continuous light shining from inside the shed, with the smoke machine on full blast, so that the smoke can blow the highlights, as well as create some streaks of light coming out of the shed.

What are your ideas for fright night?


Thursday, 14 October 2010

I am a DJ

I am a DJ, originally uploaded by Mix Master B.
This is the first image from the "I am a DJ" concept shoot from the 02/10/10. The concept came courtesy from my friend/assistant/fellow photographer Herschel.
We had the chance to work with the lovely Sofia Skvortsova. Her Modelling portfolio can be found on Model Mayhem and her number is MM#853972. Check it out.
For this shoot we used a few elements including turntables, mixer, record covers, mirror ball, lazer light, smoke machine, record cases, speakers, etc and this is not to mention the photography equipment and lighting to make this shoot possible.

Watch this space for any pictures from this shoot and any other shoots in the future.


Virgin post

Post number one!!
I guess this is a good way of introduction :-) My blog will be photography related, since I am a photography hobbiest. Here I will blog about current and future photoshoots, in studio and on location. I will offer my view on anything and everything that I have an opinion on, however true or bonkers you think they are.
As a start, I would like to introduce you to my Flickr Stream where I have a range of different photography genres for your perusal.
Be careful not to get sucked into spending too much time there, but please stay as long as you like.

Happy clicking!!